Monday, April 30, 2012

Blog 19: A Letter

Where do I begin ? I have a hard time with school because I feel that when I'm being forced to learn a specific way that I do not learn. School is always very challenging for me and yet I find some way to get through each semester.

What did I do right was choosing two very good teachers who have made a big difference for me as a student and how I interact with my instructors. They've taught me that advocating for yourself is something that I do well and I'm not afraid to ask questions.

I would not of done an online class and an accelerated class at the same time.

That I've completed college and I'm glad that I did it.

I hope that I'll forget nothing about my college experiences so I can pass it on to those who are going to college.

Nothing else follows.


Blog 18: Peer Review

Doing peer reviews is something that I'm not really a fan of because I have a hard time going through someones papers because I am not a strong writer nor am I a fan English classes. I find myself wadding through them rather then enjoying them and learning anything from them I struggle.

Blog 17: Rough Draft

Writing what I have wrote so far has been very interesting for me honestly. To me this is a very personal topic because I've lived it more of it if not all of it. I hope that people learn something from my paper and that people would understand that they can't treat veterans the same as your typical college student.

Wednesday, April 25, 2012

To Book or not to Book

Okay here's the deal. For those of who you who read my blog as I've been sharing my blog with buddies. I've come to the conclusion that this might be worth putting into a book form.

If I did write a book, it would be focused on my experiences in Iraq and the military.

The whole reason I'm writing this because I shared a blog post with a fellow veteran and he said, " You should really write a book. Everything you write comes from the heart." There would be somethings that I would omit from blog to book as the relevance would have very little.

Well hope to hear some good comments, thoughts, and more from all of you.

Blog 16: Community Partner

Fellow veteran

In person

Not available

A fellow veteran

What were their experience in the military and what did they do

How many times have you deployed and what was your mission or role

What's the biggest challenge you have faced when returning to college

What do you think could be done to help veterans transition better from combat to college

Blog 15: Research

Well most of the articles that I read about my topic have pretty consistently highlighted the issues that veterans are facing when returning to school. The lack of help for veterans making the transition from combat to college is the reality that many veterans face every year. With the G.I. Bills that are currently in place there really isn't a reason why veterans shouldn't go back to college.

The only thing that I've had to shift for research is just the words and how I use them in the databases. Knowing what words to plug in to find the information that I'm looking for.

What's frustrated me so far ? Well honestly nothing about the paper has frustrated me so, it's been more the information that I have found that continues to show the lack of help for the veteran community when they make that transition from combat to college.

Wednesday, April 18, 2012

Blog 14: Topic Proposal

Helping veterans who are returning from deployment overseas so that they can be successful in college when they return. What can we do to make this transition easier for them when they return ? How can we help them by hosting a veteran's workshop ? 

Connecting this to campuses who have a high population of student veterans who've been deployed to in support of Operation Iraqi Freedom and Operation Enduring Freedom. Getting the communities involved as well to help show the they have support.

I've met a plenty of veterans in my time and I do think something like this would allow a smoother transition back in the college realm especially for the younger veterans who maybe alone. Educating them on the resources that they have available to them as well would.

Blog 13: issues

Tuesday, April 10, 2012

Blog 11: Family Issues

The article talks about the reality of what it's like to have a parent or spouse come back from war and the effect they can have on their children if the parents has P.T.S.D. (post traumatic stress disorder). Military families have very different needs then what most people realize and how much more support they need simply because of what the spouses sacrifice by severing their country. This is the cold hard reality that many families face and their

 "Even though all families share in the common military experience, when times get hard and loved ones are away or adjusting to coming back home after a long deployment, the stress of being a military family can seem very lonely."

This talks about the common experience that all military families share, but it also shows how it can be very stressful for a parent who's coming back from a deployment.

This articles fits the topic of family issues because it shows how much a military family needs support when a parent or spouse comes back from war and how much of an issues it because of what needs of the family at that point.

Robinson, Alexandria. "Posttraumatic stress disorder and secondary traumatization in military families." The Exceptional Parent July 2011: 48+. Professional Collection. Web. 10 Apr. 2012.

Monday, April 9, 2012

Blog 10: Halfway

Well I have learned that when I'm writing papers that I have a tendency to write what I think and not actually use quotes, facts, and sources. I have learned how to do properly do MLA citation when doing work cited now which is something I struggled with before hand. I've learned how to properly transition from one paragraph to the next thus making it easy for the reader to follow. This is what I've learned so far.

Thursday, April 5, 2012

Blog 9: Survey Says!

So I need 5 to 10 questions about topics we've discussed in class......okay I can do that.

1) What would you change about the Bill of Rights ?

2) Do you believe that the original Bill of Rights still applies to our modern society ?

3) What do you like about the Bill of Rights and what do you not like ?

4)  Do you believe that the Bill of Rights is outdated ? If yes, how so ?

5)  Is there anything you would add the constitution ?

6) Would you add anything to the Bill of Rights ?

Monday, April 2, 2012

Blog 8: Telling the Truth

Okay so being one of the two people who were questioned on whether or not I was telling the truth was rather interesting. I found that regardless of what questions were being ask that I could give an answer that would show the questioners an honest answer. This is not something I would participate in again as it's not something that I would like to be a part of.

Blog 7: Chpt 5

"Young people are always picking up habits that infuriate old geezers."

I think this can be a stereotype and it can also be true as well. A lot is changing in our world and therefore there is more habits to be picked up on and I can understand why old geezers think all the habits the young people are picking up infuriate them.

"Products like MP3 players are just more consumer goods for our materialistic society to obsess over."

Our society is big in materialistic items considering MP3s players. Everyone has to have the latest and the greatest. Keeping up with the Jones' is how I see it. Buying the newest thing and the newest toys.

Salinger, Tobias. "Unplugging Ads, Not Conversations." How to Write Anything [New York] 28 Jun 2006, 2009 131-133. Print.