Friday, July 24, 2015

Expect The Unexpected

  • "Expect the unexpected when God is at work in your life because to expect the expected is just not fair and not living at all..."

This partial quote is the premise of this blog; it is rather funny because during one of my quiet times with God this quote came out and it was not me who formed it. I think as Christ follower we need to have an open mind when walking hand in hand with God as he does what he sees fit. There are times when he does it simply because he loves us, loves to see the joy in our faces, and hear our praises. 

At times in life we think we have figured everything out; where we are going to live, what we will do for a career, and what the rest of our life will look like. Here is something though that is true for me because of where I am and the direction to where my life is heading only God knows. However even now during the midst of a summer that has been working two jobs, spending time with friends, and resting there has been a lot of unexpected moments, moments when nothing else matters, but what is right in front of me. Often at times we let things pull our attention in different directions and we forget what our center which is Christ. So how can we keep God at the center? Even now when I'm typing this my answer and thoughts aren't clear, but what is knowing that God is my first priority with his will for my life following closely behind him.

There is multiple differences between this summer and last, both were periods of growth, but challenging in their own rights. Last summer was filled with an out of control situation or so it seemed, with financial hardships, and isolation which led me down some very hard times. Now those hard times prepared me for what this summer had to bring, something which was not seen by me because I cannot see the future, but God certainly knew where this was taking me. This summer has consisted of my laptop dying, frustrations with one of my jobs, and now the typical brake job. Here's the difference though, when things got rough at the end of this past semester my eyes were fixed on God and throughout this summer that's where they have been through saving up for a computer and now getting ready to buy parts for my vehicle. You see things continue to pull at us, trying to get us to loose our focus off of God, Christ, and the Cross and it is our duty to keep our focus on the one who saved us, who provides continually.

This hasn't been an easy road, but what allows me to push through is my relationship with God and knowing that he's right there walking with me through these hard times when life seems to be going all wrong or completely right. It is nothing that I have done by my own strength, but what he has done for me. Most of my close friends know what happen last summer and they knew the bind which I was in and this is why we need community because those friends are the ones who came along side me, who cheered me up, made me laugh and forget what was going on. This summer has been so polar opposite that it's a wonder what happened between the two, however there has been much internalized for me that it is hard to share. Everything that I have is not because of me or the hours that I've worked to save up for items that are needed, but because God's provision you see in my life he the first and the last meaning he gets all the glory, all my praise even in the hard times when I doubt.

So in the end, do not wonder what the next day will hold, but hold fast to the one who loves you our heavenly Father and creator of us all. God. The beginning and the end, the creator of the heavens and the earth, the Alpha and the Omega. For he is my rock, my joy, my delight, my strong tower. When God is working in your life I would encourage you to expect the unexpected and see what he does for you. Find hope that comes from Jesus Christ the Risen lamb.

Hope you enjoyed reading this! Take care and God bless!!