Thursday, September 19, 2019

Frustrated Christian

Man-talking about tough, not swinging between fear and aggression. It’s been difficult. Fear usually comes in the mornings and aggression in the afternoons. Talk about humbling, the only thing that helps is running to God and asking for help. I’ve been granted many of nice compliments and they are probably true, but what all my friends don’t see or realize is the internal battle. I’ve chosen to live alone, it’s easier a LOT easier than to live with someone. My college roommate proved that to me. Now there is another person in my life and that requires dying to myself. It’s like a snake shedding its skin or a bird molting feathers from immature to mature. Difficult process, but in the end worth it. People want good things for me, but in the end I just want comfort and stability. Surrender of the life that once was. Dying to the self of selfishness. Reliant on a force we cannot see, but dependent on. That’s my week. So ready for the weekend.