Thursday, May 16, 2013


Well here we go again lol! Another blog and an in-depth look at what's going in my life. This just recently came up too, so everything is still very fresh in my mind. As to how I'm going to explain this will be interesting  and how others will relate to this topic.

So let's talk Mindsets and how they can be helpful and how they can hurt us. The first mindset I'm going to talk about it the military mindset of that of a trained soldier. You see whether you're in the Army, Marines, Navy, or Air Force we all have been trained and in some sense conditioned to give a certain response to situations we face. Whether it's training or an actual combat deployment there is a response that is beaten into our heads so that we can survive and to help protect others around us. You see as an Infantryman for just about every situation we face in combat we have a response which has been trained into from our constant training. A very simple look at this is how we react as a unit when we are on a foot patrol and ambushed by the enemy. In seconds everyone is diving for cover, getting on line, returning fire with any means necessary, and then the hand grenades go out, which is followed by us assaulting through the ambush continuing to return fire. This is how the military works, you see you're trained to respond to situations like that because everyone's life including your own depends on that.

I can continue to go on and on with lists of responses we as soldiers are conditioned by training to respond, but here's the hard for reality for soldiers who aren't going to be fighting anymore is you don't need this training. It's not completely useless anymore, but reacting to an ambush near or far serves no purpose in this world or how to detect a land mine by only using a wooden dole. I know it's hard to understand, but there is just so much more rehabilitation that has to happen for a veteran to be able to readjust properly into this world again. It's a constant battle of the mind and the retraining which needs to happen and it's not easy either. There are times like right now for me where the retraining of the mindset are very challenging because it's been a way of thinking for so many years and now now it serves very little purpose so it needs to go. 

This is what it looks like for me, " So.... The issue with comfort/control/military.... Pray on this ... The military is a lot of what you know . It is recent and it was ingrained into your psyche, more so it was pounded into it. Therefore, it stands to reason it would continue to come up. It is the way your brain was completely wired for thought process. And naturally those in the military or who relate to it would be the same. Now you take Saturday and what God did in the evening on the floor and you have a war on your  hands (Eph 6:10-20) God created in you something new. It does not relate to the mind or psyche at all. It is a condition of heart. A heart that now belongs to God and not the military. God is rewiring you from the heart up. Mark 12:30 ... Heart comes first with God then soul, then mind. God, in all of us, wants to relate to all things through the heart first. The military trained you one way ... God is going to train you and is training you in another, totally different, way!!"

Well there it is in a nutshell... Hope you enjoyed reading this. Take care and God bless! Have a wonderful day and enjoy it!!

© Nathan Fahlin 16May13 09:36am

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