Tuesday, January 21, 2020

Tired, like butter scrapped...

Not sure exactly when this started, but the last few months have left me feeling empty and completely depleted. As Biblo Baggings describes to Gandalf, "Like butter that's been scrapped over to much bread," that is exactly the feeling I have this January and there is a yearning for some serious honest rest. Rest that isn't luxury related, but rest that comes from taking care of yourself. One might guess that self-care is the topic and you would not be far from the mark and as I sit here typing this out it comes to mind for sure. Far to many mornings where I wake up exhausted. Far to many evenings that all I wanna do is sleep, but find myself starring at the ceiling waiting for sleep to take me. Some of my close friends would suggest a healthier diet and regular exercise, they would not be wrong, however there is bigger piece here than self-care. There seems to be a struggle spiritually and it's not that my faith is lost or wavering, but constantly feeling tapped all the time regardless of how much time is taken for myself, devotional, and spiritual health. There just doesn't seem like there is enough hours in a day and regardless of what is done there is always more that needs my attention. I hear sayings, "Don't leave for tomorrow what can be done today." But honestly, I am one person and you think, "How much is there to do for one person?" Not a lot and that is arguably a true statement in and of itself. Maybe I am not relying on God for the things I should and that might be something to seriously take a look at. Usually my thoughts are a little more coherent, but this feels more rambling than from my normal stuff. Something needs to change or there won't be much left of me. Sitting here starring at my computer, it's easy to let me thoughts go and take me places, but in my spirit there is something stirring. Something yearning. I do not know what it is, but that is what I do know. I hope all who read this are finding their stride going into 2020 and no it's not a new decade people. It's election year too. Please be respectful of others in this time, don't just run others over because of what you feel. Also pray our leadership, we need prayer in our country, for our leaders that we elect, and for each other. Be kind to yourself, your neighbor, and spend time with those you love. Take care and God Bless!

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