Tuesday, February 12, 2013

"Who Veterans Are"

Veterans come in all shapes and size; big and tall, short and small
Guys and gals; both young and old
You cannot simply classify them because if you do they will break the mold
They come from all sorts of backgrounds, but have one common thing. They served!
They chose selfless versus selfish. Now they fight to put their lives back together from war, from wounds, from the world. They are people who've lost their closest friends, but wouldn't change a thing. They eyes tell a story that is beyond words and takes a almost a life to understand.
The wounds may be visible or maybe completely hidden. These are the people who've laid it on all the line for their country. They've paid a price more than most can fathom and few who can truly understand what it means to give up their life for their friends.

You see while today standing in the local VA hospital I was struck with this and it appears to be the truth of just who veterans are. Standing their in the hall and being bumped into by this short, old lady who's time in the Air Force she referred to herself as a female Gomer Pile. You see it was clear to me right then and there that I wasn't truly tuned in to what a veteran was till I met here this day. She was short, but sweet and we talked for a few minutes then laughed about it all. This is who veterans are. We are people who've laid on down for our country, our family, and our friends. For some of us we've bleed, we've loved, we've lost, and then do it all again.

I hope this sheds so light on the topic of who are veterans. Hope you enjoyed reading this rather short yet sweet blog!! God bless!!

© Nathan Fahlin

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