Tuesday, September 29, 2015

Blog: Death by Meetings

The basic thoughts behind this podcast is at what point do meetings become pointless and how can we as leaders keep them beneficial because there seems to be a point where meetings become useless. We've all been in meetings that have been painful to sit through and that nothing was really accomplished, so the challenge is to only have meetings when it is really necessary. Also the need to understand when people disagree with your ideas or have a negative response; that it's not an attack on your person. There becomes a point when people hate meetings, that is what needs to be avoided and I think there needs to be an evaluation of how the meetings are going to help understand what is happening or not happening.

Personally I have been a part of mandatory meetings which have been the death of me, but never meetings in a corporate or work setting because most of my jobs haven't required them. This podcast however highlights necessary information for those who are facing these meetings which are causing them to hate their jobs. The leaders or whoever is running the meetings needs to take ownership and figure out what needs to change in the meetings for them to be effective. Meetings are meant to be a time of information sharing or brainstorming ideas that can be used to further organization or business's projects and plans for the future.

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